
Combat rules in these four new Champions Online screens

Today we've got four new Champions Online screens to share with you, courtesy of Cryptic Studios. Combat obviously plays a large role in these latest screens, as with many of the other screens we've been seeing for a while now. Hopefully, we'll get to see some new travel powers sometime soon, as we're pretty sure Cryptic has been working on adding more before launch.

But generally speaking, we never really tire of seeing screens from this game, especially when someone is getting smacked in the face with the backside of a sword. It's not pleasant, getting back-sworded, let us tell you. And something tells us that in the near future, we'll get some interesting new teaser screens. How do we know this? Just a statistical guess, really.

Until that happens, reveling in the utter violence of these screens will do just fine.%Gallery-17946%