
Quantum team says PS3 has 'the highest specs'

Tecmo is prepping not one, but two PS3 exclusives. Quantum is Tecmo's take on Gears of War for the PlayStation audience. When questioned by Siliconera on why the team chose PS3 exclusivity, director Makoto Shibata said that they wanted to work on the most powerful hardware around. "The PS3 [is] the hardware with the highest specs," he said.

With Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Undead Knights also coming from Tecmo, it appears the company has shifted gears towards being a largely Sony-oriented development company. That's strange, considering the large number of high-profile Xbox-exclusive titles the company is known for: Dead or Alive and the original Ninja Gaiden games. This apparent change in platform choice isn't intentional, though. "It's not that Tecmo is shifting away from the Xbox 360. It's about timing. From the beginning this was seen as a PS3 title and it happens to be coming out at the same time as Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2."

For more details on Quantum (like DLC), read the full interview at Siliconera.