
One Shots: What's behind door number one

With Age of Conan opening up their servers not only to new trials, but also for those of us who previously had accounts, we suspect there is going to be some hell-raising in Hyboria this weekend. It should be a fun adventure for those of us returning to this eye-catching world. Today's One Shots, courtesy of Sertorian from the Aquilonia server, offers us a tantalizing mystery. He writes in: After hearing rumors of Age of Conan getting back on track, me and my Dark Templar; Sertorian just couldn't wait to find out what secrets Funcom had laying in the depths of its dark world for us. I suppose we'll all see!

If you're headed back into a game you haven't played in a while, grab some screenshots for us. Just email those to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick note about it. We'll gladly take those off your hands, and show them to the world!