
Play-Asia reveals new Mad Catz FightSticks [update]

[Update: Mad Catz let us know that these sticks are, as the Play-Asia reveal may suggest, being released in Asia, beyond the scope of the company's Street Fighter IV licensing deal.]

The FightSticks released by Mad Catz alongside Street Fighter IV were surprising, to say the least, for Mad Catz products: despite some early technical issues, the Tournament Edition FightStick for Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 is by far the highest-quality arcade stick available in North America. The only problem, of course, is that they aren't always available. The sticks were produced in extremely limited numbers and initial shipments sold out quickly.

We're very happy, then, to see new Tournament Edition FightSticks for PS3 and Xbox available for pre-order on import retailer Play-Asia. These sticks don't have any Street Fighter IV artwork, but otherwise they look identical -- and adding your own artwork isn't that complicated. According to Play-Asia, the sticks will be available Q4 for $149.90.

[Thanks, John Doe!]