
One Shots: Even the armor matches

Guild Wars, with its extremely reasonable price-tag of "pay once, then play all you'd like" is right up there in terms of one of our favorite games. Not only is the price really good compared for what you get for your money, but it's certainly a lovely, lush land to run around in. Today's gorgeous Guild Wars screenshot from regular contributor Johanis reminds us of when we were new, stepping into the world. He writes in: Decided to give WoW and LotRO a break this weekend and started a new character in Guild Wars. Her name is Julae Sedure and she is a Warrior/Monk combination class. I forgot how absolutely beautiful Guild Wars is and find it a nice change of pace. This picture just made me feel good as the weather gets warmer and I find myself tempted to actually go outside in the real world and enjoy the weather.

One Shots is still in need of more screenshots, so if you've got some time while out adventuring, why not gather some up for us and send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com? Add your name, the game it's from - guild, server and description welcome too - and you're set! In return for your act of awesome, we'll show off your screenshot to all our readers and let them know you sent it in.