
EA distributing game made by 17-year-old Slutz

Dan Slutz of Canton, Ohio, has been named the "Invent-A-Game Challenge" winner, netting the 17-year-old a $10,000 savings bond and a deal to have his winning submission developed into a free, online game by Electronic Arts. Slutz' winning submission for the national competition -- coordinated by Best Buy and Electronic Arts in association with The United Inventors Association and By Kids for Kids -- was a music-based platformer titled Rhythm.

In the game, the player assumes the character of "Rhythm," tasked with saving music for the townsfolk of "Melody" by fighting various monsters across ten worlds, using different musical styles. For Slutz, winning the competition is a dream come true -- and he can't wait for the world to play his creation. "I am very serious about a career as a video game designer, and could not be more appreciative of this great opportunity." Congratulations goes out to Slutz for living the dream. Oh, and it's pronounced "Slootz," which immediately ruins our headline. Thanks, Dan!