
Huxley closed beta phase two to begin tomorrow

The e-mail announcements have gone out and clients are being downloaded as Huxley fans prepare for closed beta test phase two! The servers will be opening up tomorrow for CBT1 veterans and CBT2 recruits alike, starting at 2:00 PM Pacific time and staying open until 10:00 PM Pacific. (For us Eastern time people, that's between 5:00 PM and 1:00 AM.)

Closed beta test participants have already received e-mails informing them of their acceptance to the new phase of beta. Former participants should delete their old Huxley clients and download the new, larger client from the closed beta test main page.

Weren't accepted or didn't sign up? Well, bad news first, the closed beta registration is over. However, for those of you who are FilePlanet subscribers, you can run over there and still pick up a key if you weren't in CBT1.

Closed beta phase two will be running until Wednesday, August 12th, and 10:00 PM Pacific time.