
Upcoming LittleBigPlanet DLC to make creation more 'versatile'

Save for a few of the game's beefier DLC packs, a majority of the downloadable content for LittleBigPlanet has been purely aesthetic. Not that we mind being able to dress our Sackboys up like Cole McGrath -- but we'd prefer something that makes the already rich level creation engine just a little bit richer.

Fortunately, during the Develop Conference earlier this month, Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healy announced that an upcoming piece of DLC will add "lots of exciting things that make it into more of a versatile creation tool." He didn't get any more specific than that, but added that it would make fans "very happy." Hey, if it helps our levels not look like something a six-year-old drew in Sunday school, we'll be pleased as punch.