
One Shots: The couple that slays together stays together

While there have been many asking for non-glitched Warhammer Online shots, we've had only a few brave souls like today's One Shots contributor Pedro D. take us up on the challenge. As if sending in a non-glitchy shot weren't enough, he's managed to catch a picture of the strange mating rituals of those on the Destruction side. He writes in: Recently I've created a Zealot on another server to [see] how it [feels] to be a healer of pure evil. [While] walking through Chapter 2 (for those who don't play Warhammer Online this is for players of level 4-7) I stumble[d] upon four level 40 characters in some kind of double date of evil. Being at WAR and being on the side of pure evil is no excuse to stop loving. (By the way, that is my always friendly Hell Hound back there.)

If you've got a non-glitched shot of something fun, interesting, pretty, crazy - or pretty crazy - from Warhammer Online, we want to see them! Email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, a brief description, and whatever else you'd like to add. We'll post it out here for folks to enjoy.