
One Shots: A long way from home

We love to hear tales of people's journeys in different MMOs. Sure, you can easily go from one place to another, but when you get involved in the story, it just makes it feel so much more epic, we think. Today's breathtaking Lord of the Rings Online One Shot and narrative comes to us from Skypp Skydarkener, Treasure Hunter. Skypp sends in his tale: Months inside the dark cave that is Moria. Watcher is slain. Dark Delvings conquered. Water Works cleansed. I come out the other side of Moria with many things accomplished; many wondrous things witnessed. Greeting me on the other side is a lake that reflects the stars no matter what time of day. Clouds and sun do not obscure the stars from the waters as you can see in this shot.

If you love to write yourself into the larger story - or just tell your own stories - we want to hear from you! One Shots are even sweeter when they've got a great story to go with them. All you need to do is grab a screenshot on your adventures, then jot down a short note to go with it and email it to oneshots AT massively DOT com. We'll post it here for everyone to enjoy and let them know you sent it in!