
Assassin's Creed 2 dev diary talks about the exciting world of ... banking

The second of six planned dev diaries for Assassin's Creed 2 talks about Ezio and the friends he keeps. After being abandoned by his peers, he partners up with mercenaries, prostitutes and thieves on his journey into becoming an assassin. Along the way, he'll partner up with Machiavelli, and, as previously mentioned, Leonardo da Vinci. "Basically, he's going to act as Q in James Bond."

But if assassinations and gadgets aren't your thing, you'll be glad to know that this latest episode also delves into the compelling financial world of Assassin's Creed. Yes, apparently the modern notion of banks was invented during this era, and Ezio will be able to take part. However, don't expect to capitalize on adjusted rate mortgages and depreciating values of over-the-counter derivatives markets. No, the finance system of Assassin's Creed involves ... buying weapons. And, um, well, that's it.

What else were you expecting?