
Capcom: Dark Void delay made room for more features

Dark Void wasn't just pushed back into 2010 to avoid "the crowded fall game season" (the crowded Q1 game season is so much nicer). Dark Void associate producer Shana T. Bryant offered another, more content-related reason to Kotaku, presumably right before she shot their correspondent out of a cannon.

"The main reason we delayed Dark Void was because we really wanted to spend the extra time we needed to re-polish it and add a new feature," Bryant explained. The new feature is hovering: by hitting the jump button twice, you can now hover in place, rising higher by continuing to hold the jump button. In happy news for people who want to play Dark Void without going insane with frustration, the damage model has also been tweaked such that wall collisions don't result in instant death.

It actually sounds like we're benefiting from the Dark Void delay. Don't tell anyone, though! We don't want the few publishers who haven't moved everything to spring 2010 to think it's a good idea.