
One Shots: Time to move on

When you talk to EVE Online players, they always stress to you how important it is to get into a corp. While it's true that you can run around solo, the game really opens up when you have the ability to get in with a group who are able to do all that the game really allows for. Today's One Shots comes to us from Kel'taith of Eve Defence Force, who writes in to explain this corp image.

A renter (The Cartel Syndicate), also known as a "pet" in EVE Online refused to pay rent for the space they owned and told our alliance that we couldn't break their sovereignty. In about four hours we put every tower they owned into reinforced mode and downed every cyno jammer they had. They surrendered shortly afterwards and have a week to evacuate their remaining assets from the region. While they only owned eight systems this shows the force that a power block can bring to a fight (as this was only a small "wing" of the fleet), and the cooperation that is required to field an effective force and run a stable alliance.

Want to show off something your corp, guild, gang of friends, you and your BFF did? Just snag a screenshot of it and send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post it out here for others to check out and give you the nod.