
2K bringing P.B. Winterbottom, Axel and Pixel to XBLA

click for more pixels (and Axels, we suppose)

It's likely been a while since you've thought of Odd Gentlemen's The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, the extremely promising puzzle platformer that appeared on our radar during GDC 2008. Here's an update: We got the great news from 2K that it will bring the game exclusively to XBLA in early 2010.

In the same missive, 2K also confirmed the Czech-developed point-and-click adventure, Axel and Pixel (which looks similarly delightful in the below screens and the game's official site), as another XBLA exclusive. Luckily, the wait's not so brutal, as you'll only have to hold out until this fall to give it a try.