
BioWare looking into Mass Effect 'Pinnacle Station' DLC glitch

A recent Mass Effect forum thread has revealed that a sizable snafu has cropped up among the early adopters of the game's recently released (and still unannounced) Pinnacle Station DLC -- while players can download the intergalactic Fight Club scenario problem-free, the content isn't actually showing up in-game for some folks. Posters in this forum thread report that Pinnacle Station conflicts with the Bring Down The Sky DLC content that was bundled with the Platinum Hits version of Mass Effect.

Unfortunately, if you've played through Bring Down the Sky's added areas and missions, you can't load your game without having that DLC on the hard drive. This means that the only way for Platinum Hits players to reach Pinnacle Station is to delete their bundled Bring Down the Sky DLC, purchase it from the Marketplace for 400

, and then reinstall it. As you can imagine, this has given rise to some unhappy feelings among afflicted players.

A BioWare rep responded to these complaints by saying the developer is working on a fix for the problem, but couldn't give an ETA as to when the fix would arrive. We certainly hope it shows up before torches and pitchforks get involved.