
Report notes decline in original game IP in UK

Times are tough, which might explain why the industry is "risk-averse" and hesitant to pump out brand new properties this year. A report by the UK's NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) found that 60 percent of the publishers surveyed had either slowed, or stopped, original IP (intellectual property) work. The report specifically deals with the UK and seems to convey a sentiment that developers would do more original IP if tax credits backed them up -- an increasingly prevalent issue in the British development scene.

One publisher that goes unmentioned in the report is EA, which has certainly gambled on original IP in recent years -- to critical praise and retail shrugging. Although the big boys may not be comfortable with new franchises, the size of the industry seems to offer support for fresh content from more independent channels.

Source -- Industry admits to decline in IP [Develop]
Source -- NESTA's tax break in full [Develop]