
Play Uncharted 2 beta, win Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter edition

You know what you really need? Like, really, really need, and you don't even know it? One of our kidneys.

That's what we're putting on the table on the off chance that you're the winner of Naughty Dog's latest contest -- the prize for which is one of the limited, sexy, leather-bound, dagger-infested copies of Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter Edition. All you have to do to be eligible is play in the Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta this weekend, and you'll automatically be entered. They're handing out 10 copies of the special edition every day until the game's released, meaning our chances of receiving one are slim.

Hence, we offer one of our kidneys as an exchange to any potential winner under the sound of our voice. They're fresh, they regulate the balance of our electrolytes superbly, and, best of all, they're ours! Don't you want to put a bit of Joystiq inside you?