
Lord of the Rings Online releases Siege of Mirkwood trailer

With the launch of the Lord of the Rings Online expansion Siege of Mirkwood just over six weeks away, we're seeing more and more news to pique our interest. European players were given some great pre-order deals just yesterday, we learned of an exciting new instance, screenshots have been released, and now we've got a trailer! Turbine released the first video trailer today, offering up a little over two minutes of beautiful footage and a compelling enough backstory to get even those unfamiliar with the game interested.

Take a look at the trailer after the jump. Galadriel laments the loss of Greenwood, telling a story of the great forest and it's ruin at the hands of Sauron. "Greenwood is no more. Now we face a land dread and suffering: the black forest of Mirkwood." Her tale segues into a montage of battle clips showing an assortment of creatures that have presumably invaded Mirkwood, and ends with an invitation to "Answer the call of war!"

Yes thank you, we think we will. In fact, we can't wait.