
Star Trek Online: Ask Cryptic continues with player progression theme

Today's dev chat in Star Trek Online was all about player progression, but the STO team seems to be getting a jump on things, since yesterday's Ask Cryptic was all about...yep, player progression. (This is actually part two, with previous questions on the same subject being answered in last month's Ask Cryptic.)

This round of questions covered several topics including a brief overview of endgame material, and repeating missions to help other players. A discussion of Bridge Officers gave a bit more information on how their skills, traits, and abilities will work together to bring a potentially wide variety of talent to your ship. Yes, your ship -- an aspect of the game that's sparked a great amount of interest and questions. One question addressed the advantages and disadvantages of different tiers, leading to some explanation of the ship categories and the progression through them.

This month's Ask Cryptic served as a great lead-in to the dev chat, and is well worth the read. It can be viewed on the official site.