
The art direction of Black Prophecy's gearheads

With all the buzz about space MMOs that are exploring the final frontier or participating in archaic representative democracy, it can be easy to lose sight of Black Prophecy, the upcoming game from German developer Reakktor Media. However, that doesn't make the news about it any less exciting, and it's surprising how much information can be packed into even a simple developer diary about the art direction of one of the game's factions. The Tyi faction, a race of superhuman cyborgs that now consider themselves beyond their parent race, are under examination this time, with a detailed look at how the Tyi aesthetic and philosophy are conveyed through ship designs.

As one would expect from a race accustomed to replacing body parts as fashion or necessity dictates, the Tyi ships are designed with a very modular nature, far more exposed and mechanical than the smooth and sanitized looks seen from other factions. The developer diary talks about the construction of the ships and the stations, as well as showing off several visually stunning pictures that help demonstrate the hard-edged technological feel the faction will bring. If all of that piques your interest -- which it very well might do -- you might want to sign up for the upcoming beta, and get a chance to see Black Prophecy in action.