
Metaplace: Halloween, hold the zombies

It's time for Halloween in MMO Land: the usualcontingent of zombies are running amok and panicked NPCs are everywhere, requesting that you go deal with it for them. Virtual Worlds are not immune either, it seems.

For those who prefer their Halloween without a side of gore, there is no shortage of games taking a more lighthearted approach. Metaplace is one of them as they're celebrating Halloween with cute pumpkin masks and pirate costumes, ghost stories, and parties. Costumes and masks are available now in The New You, and the Halloween festivities kick off today. Metaplace is celebrating fall with a fashion show and dance party this afternoon.

The festivities don't stop there, though. The New You will have their Halloween gear available until November 5th, Friday the 30th is the official Halloween party, and the 31st sports a full calendar -- Metaplace fans will be celebrating from morning until night.

In between these events are decorations, gifts and prizes, and there are even rumors of the Great Pumpkin handing out special treats. Not that one, but keep an eye out anyway.