
WoW Moviewatch: Hallow's End Summed Up in 2 Minutes

Hallows End Summed Up in 2 Minutes
, subtitled (Hot Bloodelf Chicks included!!!) is Wowcrendor's new offering regarding that infamous candy-based event. It's got the same critical-but-loving eye that Wowcrendor uses in his other informational WoW series.

Now that Wowcrendor has a few of these under his belt, I can't think of a better voice for this kind of saracastic, endearing narrative. It's something about the way he portrays the events with an equal mix of frustration and sheer joy. He manages to convey that he really loves the game, even if he's still aware of the absurdity of it all.

Even while Wowcrendor's reviewing Hallow's End, he manages to slip in an amusing meta-commentary. The video is subtitled Hot Bloodelf Chicks included!!! True to his word, the blood elves appear in the video, even if only for a few seconds. It's definitely a commentary on contemporary machinima elements in things like Belf Rap. It was worth a brief chuckle.

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