
Fallen Earth puts a feather in your hat for purchasing

It's always nice to get a little something extra for what you were planning on doing anyway. It's even nicer when the "little something extra" is something you would want on its own merits, at that. Fallen Earth has decided to give its new players exactly that variety of something extra: if you buy now through the official site, you will receive the lovely and (dare we say it) eminently pimptacular hat displayed to the right.

The hat isn't enough reason for you? Well, clearly you aren't looking closely enough at the hat itself. You also might not know that the hat provides your character with Scavenging, Nature, Geology, and Social skill points just by donning it. It's a really nice hat. Lest we get carried away by gushing about the hat, however, it should be duly noted that the hat is also a limited-time offer for purchasers of the game, and is only being distributed by purchasing the game from the official site. So if you've been on the fence, this might be the time to get off the fence and get yourself a truly excellent hat for your troubles.