
Red Bull Island Home space update coming Nov. 26

Tomorrow, you'll find some big additions coming to the Red Bull Island space in PlayStation Home. Don't worry, Sony isn't fiddling with your cherished Red Bull Air Race mini-game, but rather adding two new mini-games to the virtual tropical island. First is Red Bull Illume, an area for the sports and action photogs out there. Then there's the Redbull Flugtag mini-game, which will pretty much be a game adaptation of the real thing -- players can launch one of five pre-made flying contraptions off a 30-foot launch pad.

Starting on Monday, November 30 at 6pm PDT, you'll be able to see some real-life, behind-the-scenes footage of the Flugtag in the Home theater. There will also be trivia and, if you're one of the first five lucky individuals who send in a trivia answer here during the event, you could win yourself a PSP Go! How's that for incentive?