
The first iPhone development reality show?

We've heard stories of rapidly-developed iPhone applications before, but we've never seen the process play out live before our eyes (well, some of us haven't). That's exactly what the guys at Command Guru are doing: Developing an iPhone app from scratch with an international team and streaming the whole thing live over the course of 7 days.

Command Guru's founder and CEO, Alessio Zito Rossi, told prmac, "There are over 100,000 Apps and millions of users who do not have any idea of how they are developed. The stork doesn't deliver iPhone Apps! We will show the world how they are really born -- live and streaming!"

It started on December 6th and will continue through the 12th. The final product, described as "A sexy social networking app," will be available for free, as well as the source code. I've been watching a bit here and there and it's fun. They take questions from Twitter and literally go about their work as you watch. Witness coding sessions, meetings and more. In fact, the project timeline is laid out on the site.

Granted, this will appeal to a limited audience, but those in the audience should really enjoy it.