
Allods Online opens French and German servers for closed beta tests

Allods Online is enjoying a pretty significant amount of popularity, given the fact that it's still only in the closed beta phase, and they announced today that they are expanding to accommodate the demand.

The next round of closed beta testing begins today with the launch of French and German servers in addition to Isa, the current European English language server. The French localized server is Airin, named for the homeland of the Elven race in Allods Online. Aro is the name of the new shard for the German community, and is named for the homeland of the Kanians.

As well as expanding to include more languages, Allods Online has increased the level cap to 20 for this beta test, and will continue increasing it gradually as testing proceeds. While a character wipe will take place now as well, it will be the last one until release, so plan to enjoy your new characters for a while if you're in the beta!