
One Shots: Look out below!

When it comes to being a freshly minted superhero, there seems to be a fairly common trope of the hero doing all manner of crazy, dangerous things to test just what they can do. When it comes to Champions Online, it's even more fun -- after all, if your character gets messed up, there's no real harm done. Today's crazy One Shots comes to us from David, who decided to push the envelope of just how much he could get away with. He writes in: My name is David and right now my game of choice is Champions Online; this is my shot from the top. I was in Millennium City waiting in the hero games queue for the zombie PvP instance. I got bored and went to explore how high I could go with my trusty grappling hook. After reaching the top of the Renaissance Center I decided to take the short way down.

Are you fond of flinging yourself off the edge of buildings, cliffs, etc. in your MMO of choice? If so, why not capture a screenshot of your crazy stunt and send it in to us at oneshots [at] massively [dot] com. Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out for everyone to see -- and make "splat!" comments at.