
One Shots: Quiet homage

We love Lord of the Rings Online. Graphically, you just can't deny that the world of Middle-earth is absolutely gorgeous. No exception to this is today's One Shots submission sent in to us from our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributor, Finudir. He tells us a bit about this scene: Captains must always look to the past to find examples of great leaders before them. In one such exercise Finudir was tasked with saving a statue of Elendil, perhaps the greatest leader to ever grace Middle-Earth. Here is Captain Finudir of Gondor paying homage before the reconstituted statue.

Do you have a screenshot from your favorite land -- perhaps one we haven't seen recently? If so, bundle it up into an email and send it to us here at oneshots AT! We love seeing new places. Be sure to add your name and what game the image is from too so we can credit you.