
Kunio-kun returns to DS -- now in 3D

A small scan in the latest Famitsu has brought something fairly glorious to our attention: a new Kunio-kun game. Kunio-kun no Chou Nekketsu! Daiundokai (Kunio-kun's Super Hot-Blooded! Big Athletic Meet) is a multiple-sports game similar to Nekketsu Koushin Kyoku: Soreyuke Daiundoukai and the game that we got on the NES as Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge. In an especially baffling decision, it's in 3D, in what we believe is a first for the series. Nintendo 64-level blocktastic 3D, but 3D nonetheless.

Like other Kunio sports games, Daiundokai is a collection of sporting events, taking place at Nekketsu High School and around town, in which players can battle it out with punches and kicks as they compete. The released screenshots feature some kind of triathlon event and a character editor. We'll have to wait to find out about more sports and features.

We know Super Dodgeball Brawlers didn't turn out perfect, but we just cannot feel anything but, well, hot-blooded when we see an announcement of a new Kunio game.