
New Yankee Stadium to be outfitted with PS3s and Sony branding

The new-and-improved-but-completely-devoid-of-history-and-tradition Yankee Stadium will make its public debut on April 16, when the Yanks are scheduled to pummel the Cleveland Indians into submission. However, we've got a pretty good idea what we'll be seeing the first time we cross the threshold of Baseball's Cathedral 2.0 -- Sony devices and branding, as far as the eye can see.

Sony Electronics and the Pinstripers announced Thursday that they'd signed an agreement designating Sony the official consumer electronics manufacturer of the Yankees. What's this mean? Well, Sony gets a prominent advertisement on the right-field wall (as well as a number of diorama ads in the concourse), and the new stadium gets over 550 Bravia and LCD HD televisions for the high-roller suites, and a PS3 gaming area in the park's "Strike Zone." Oh, also, the Yanks' new mascot is Polygon Man. That's a fair trade-off, right?

[Via IGN]