
Sunday Morning Funnies: Your nerf stick

This week, the Funnies are back on a Sunday that is actually a Sunday, and not a fake Sunday. While I do enjoy pretending, I figured I should probably keep it simple. The weeks where "morning" seems to mean "afternoon" are tricky enough!

  • It seems that Cru the Dwarf needs to hurry.

  • I hate being asked for heals. What do people think I'm doing other than staring at their bars, anyway? Still, healers shouldn't really walk away in the middle of a raid without saying they'll brb. Experience Points.

  • Blood Elves sometimes get a little carried away when it comes to power (or hair). This week on Flintlocke vs. the Horde, the main "belf" gets a taste of it. I don't think she listens well either, what with all of that rage. Luckily, in the end, she gets a new hair accessory! Flintlocke vs. the Horde.

  • Caught any coins lately? GU Comics: The Ruse.

  • Check out the latest from LFG.

  • Manic Graffiti will be undergoing some changes.

  • NoObz illustrates how Youth has changed over the years.

  • Unlike last week, when Ding! simply had not updated (perfectly preferable to the previous week), this week, there is indeed a comic. This was (is?) one of my favorites, so I'm hoping that it picks up again. If you really want to look, don't say I didn't warn you, while trying not to be blunt and trollish.

  • Put Down Your Nerf Stick! says Teh Gladiators.

  • Oh noes, Disgraph has not been updated! Nor was Dark Legacy Comics, come to think of it. The Scout Report also seems to be sans update, and its navigation bar is still a bit wonky. World of Warcraft, eh, also did not deliver on the promised sexy filler art. I'm not criticizing, I'm just QQ'ing. There's a difference. Clearly, our fave comic artists should always be around to entertain us for free.

It's a thin list. What's a gal to do? Improvise!