
One Page of Apps: 16 random reviews part 5

[Note: all links to apps go to the App Store]

Mandala - $.99
I was a little worried this would be a big failure like so many other trippy visualizers on the store... but it isn't. A traditional mandala can be used as a focusing tool. I was amazed to find this little app does just that: by staring at it, you can become more focused. There are preferences that allow you to use a pic for the base image (it distorts them as a kaleidoscope would), use sound to shift the pattern or add glowing lights... but none of that is necessary. Just start up the app and stare. Good stuff.

BetaHelper - free
This does one thing really well: shows you the UDID of your device, which is necessary for beta testing iPhone apps. Plus, it'll email that UDID directly from your device. Works as advertised.

PhotoSync - $.99
This app turns file apps on their head by opening up your camera roll and providing a URL so you can download those images from a desktop browser. Unfortunately, while I did see the proper screen on my browser, when I went to download the image (by right-clicking, as you would any image in a web page), all I managed ot download was an HTML file, not the image itself.

Oblique Strategies - free
This is a collection of the 5 card decks created by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt called "Oblique Strategies." Think of the cards as inspiration. Although they are billed as "worthwhile dilemmas," some are simply directives, like "take a break." Still, you just click and see a card. Simple, inspirational and useful.


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