
Reuters late to announce Second Life bureau closure

The Thomson Reuters news service (still mostly colloquially known just as Reuters) has announced the closing of their Second Life bureau ... making it official, five months after its actual closure and making it perhaps the last news service to report on its own departure.

Reuters did not replace it's last dedicated reporter (Eric Krangel) when he departed for Silicon Alley Insider back in October. In December, there was more fuss when Linden Lab charged the island fees to a credit card that it had twice promised that it had expunged from its billing system.

With the other dedicated Second Life reporter (Adam Pasick) long since moved on to other things, the mystery seems to be why Reuters is pulling the corpse out of the closet after so long, propping it up and announcing it dead.

Surely, Reuters couldn't have been the last to know.

Back in September we wrote "T[homson] R[euters] seems too switched-on to leave an unstaffed site lazing around on the Second Life grid."

We were wrong. That's exactly what they did.

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