
Is Office Depot taking care of business by screwing over customers?

For better or worse, Circuit City has gone to that great big box in the sky, and, while we hate to see competition disappear in the retail world, we have a pretty good idea of which shop we might like to see go next. Office Depot has been the victim of various allegations lately, and Laptop Magazine has managed to get confirmation from numerous sales associates that those allegations about its staff are true, including lying about stock to prevent customers from buying machines without paying extra for extended warranties, and using Photoshop to raise laptop price tags by $100 so that those extended warranties are unavoidable. These and other shady dealings don't seem to be exactly supported by the company, as Office Depot issued an internal memo telling its sales force to cut it out, but with confirmations from around the country it sounds like this was standard operating procedure. Discouraging, really -- if we were looking for that kind of dishonesty we'd just buy all our gear on eBay.

[Via Switched]