
Around Azeroth: Easy like Sunday morning

One of the hardest achievements in the game is like a day at the beach to Felblood and <PhaseTwo> of Draenor-EU. Felblood took a moment to relax, kick off his shoes, and bask in the glory after his guild's first kill of 25-man Sartharion with all three drakes up. Too bad he decided to kick off his shoes in a lava pool. He's going to have to get some Antiseptic-Soaked Dressings on those feet.

Do you have any unusual World of Warcraft images that are just collecting dust in your screenshots folder? We'd love to see it on Around Azeroth! Sharing your screenshot is as simple as e-mailing with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next!

Remember to include your player name, server and/or guild if you want it mentioned. Please include the word "Azeroth" in your post so it does not get swept into the spam bin. We strongly prefer full screen shots without the UI showing -- use alt-Z to remove it. Please, no more battleground scoreboards, double-mounts, or pictures of the Ninja Turtles in Dalaran.