
Blizzard's Arthas: Rise of the Lich King quiz contest

Blizzard announced a brand new contest yesterday, and it's quite possibly their most simple contest yet. Read an excerpt from Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, answer three questions about what you read to enter the contest, and then you're given a chance to win a collector's edition of the Arthas novel. Pretty sweet and, as I said, really easy to enter.

Blizzard's official contest isn't the only one running, either. Fan sites around the blogosphere (good gosh I hate that term) are giving them away like crazy, and we even have a nice stack of our own that we'll be giving away soon. Keep an eye out, and seriously- enter these contests, whether it's ours or Blizzard's or someone else's contest. This book is worth the effort, and the collector's edition is pretty classy. Remember, this is coming from someone who thinks many of the Warcraft novels are pretty terrible.