
Rock Band Beatles footage spotted at Coachella [update]

If we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times: Sneaking cameras into concerts is illegal, folks. And so it's with sheer bravado that we've posted the Paul McCartney performance from two days ago at Coachella in California, playing "Got to Get You Into My Life," above. You'll understand though -- we had to -- as you'll see on the Beatles-sized screen behind Mr. McCartney some awfully interesting Rock Band-esque characters backing him up.

Though we can't confirm anything, and there certainly aren't any streaming note charts in sight, we're going all the way out on a limb here and guessing the footage may be our first glimpse at The Beatles: Rock Band (again, sans gameplay). We've asked publisher MTV Games for confirmation and will update this post when we hear back.

Update: Thanks to commenter Comtar for pointing out official confirmation of The Beatles: Rock Band video during Mr. McCartney's set at Coachella, via McCartney's website: "It was a night of firsts and was the unexpected, unannounced world premiere of the images from the coming Beatle Rock Band game which played on vast screens throughout "Got To Get You Into My Life." Looks like it wasn't a rumor after all!

[Thanks, Adam!]