
Next Call of Duty: World at War map pack coming in June

What do you do after selling one million Call of Duty: World at War map packs during their first week of availability? You make more. And, lo, Activision and developer Treyarch are doing just that, prepping a second salvo of DLC for a June release.

The Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 (c'mon, guys, you can surely come up with something catchier using all that dough) will introduce three new multiplayer maps: "Banzai," a jungle environment riddled with caves; "Corrosion," a Russian train yard; and "Sub Pens," a rain-drenched submarine base.

That's all well and good, but now for the good stuff: a new Nazi Zombie map! "Shi No Numa," home to this guy, promises new Perk machines, a new weapon, new Achievements / Trophies and flaming Hell hounds. It also promises to keep our repository of nightmare material well-stocked.