
Last day to register for LOGIN 09

Two years ago, the group behind LOGIN got together with the desire to create a conference that would look at the industry around online games. Originally branded OGDC (Online Game Development Conference) in 2007, then ION Game Conference in 2008, they've got another great show planned for this year, full of lots of interesting topics. Among the many discussions that are planned are "Online Games 2014: Twelve spoilers for the future" and "Spam filtering in MMOs." There's also going to be networking areas, keynote lunches, and an expo area.

There's only one teensy catch to this; if you're interested in attending this year, you'll nee to get over to the LOGIN site and register right now! Today is the absolute last day they're accepting online pre-registration. Considering how great the last two years of events have been, we're definitely looking forward to this year's events. Much like years past, they should prove to be illuminating.