
Champions Online busts out its PvP trailer

Cryptic is churning out Champions Online videos at a faster pace as of late, between this PvP trailer and the recently released character creation walkthrough video. Although that's probably to be expected with September a mere seven weeks away. We're pretty certain that everyone in the MMO house that superheroism built are feeling the pressure as of late.

Speaking of pressure, this new PvP trailer really does everything it can to make us feel it -- but in a good way. We'd say it succeeds int reassuring watchers that PvP will be exciting and dramatic in Champions Online. Our only suggestion for Cryptic would be not to stop here; keep expanding the Hero Games. It doesn't need to be crazy, but something tells us the current offering will only sate people for so long.

At the end of the day, it all really depends on having a fun, balanced and rewarding experience. Here's hoping there's plenty of reason to pound our superpowered buddies in the face come the month of September. Oh, yeah, you can find the full Giant Bomb-hosted trailer after the break.