
Jumpgate Evolution interview drops details on PvP

NetDevil's upcoming sci-fi MMO Jumpgate Evolution is notable for its aggressive, joystick-style approach to PvP. Needless to say, it's a game we're really looking forward to trying, we're just not sure about when that's going to be. Without a solid ETA on when the title will launch, we're just keeping up with NetDevil's updates on Jumpgate Evolution's development. They've recently announced some new info about the game's move towards a player-driven economy, but we'd imagine most of our readers are more interested in JGE's PvP. That's the focus of an interview with the title's lead producer Hermann Peterscheck that we've just come across over at

Jon Wood spoke with Peterscheck about how PvP will factor in the game's lore, and vice versa. Peterscheck explained how each of the nations has a personality or a character, which they've been trying to convey with the lore released for the militaristic Octavians, the profit-motivated Solrain, or the mystic Quantar. NetDevil's goal is to present enough 'character' for each nation that players can identify with that faction and bring that into their gameplay.

Beyond that background and their aim to create more depth to the game than 'log in and shoot stuff', Peterscheck explains a bit about free-for-all PvP areas and JGE's reward systems for PvP prowess. In terms of consequences of losing a PvP battle, it seems Jumpgate Evolution won't be terribly harsh. On a collective level, you can lose outposts and regional control to your opposition, but you won't lose your own XP or renown. They're taking this approach to encourage more people to PvP rather than dissuade them from jumping in and fighting.

There's more on what to expect from Jumpgate Evolution's PvP in the interview, so head over to for more current info on combat in JGE.