
Trion World Network hiring for PS3 MMO development

Whenever we post about MMO developer Trion World Network, two facts inevitably come up:

  1. It's working on some mysterious TV show/MMO for (ugh) SyFy

  2. It raised $100 million

We mostly like mentioning the $100 million because we enjoy thinking about the possibility of just convincing people to give us a bunch of money, but both of these facts are entirely relevant to the latest development out of the company. Trion is using some of that money, according to job listings on its site, for PlayStation 3 developers, including Senior Programmer, Senior Graphics Programmer, and Interface Designer. All of these new hires will be working on the SyFy project, meaning that Trion is planning to bring the MMO to PS3.

Now all we need to know is anything at all about this game.

[Via Massively]