
Kojima Productions 'not ignoring' Trophy requests

There's only one thing some people want more than a brand new Metal Gear Solid game -- and that's a Trophy patch for Metal Gear Solid 4. Kojima Production's premiere PS3 game launched over a year ago, long before Sony required the addition of achievements to all games. The latest Kojima Productions podcast talked a little bit more about Trophies: "I just wanna tell everybody out there right now that your voices are being heard and that we're not ignoring you. We hear everything that you are saying. It's just that we can't say anything just yet. But as soon as we have something to say, we will announce it. So, if we can just ask everyone to be patient, we will give you an answer."

We're not exactly sure what's taking so long to announce whether or not the team is working on a patch. A one word answer -- a "yes" or "no" -- would certainly appease those that have been anxiously waiting.

[Via The Examiner]