
NPD predicts PS3 sales to increase by 40-60% post price drop

The NPD Group, famed tabulator of video game hardware and software sales, says it sees the new $299 price point of PlayStation 3 contributing to a significant sales boost for the system. "We would expect to see in the range of a 40% to 60% unit sales increase when September sales are reported," NPD analyst Anita Frazier told InformationWeek. We'll see how accurate of an estimate that was when the September NPD data hits mid-October.

Frazier added, "The $299 price point is important to getting to a point where the next segment of price-conscious consumers can jump into the market and it most certainly will re-energize sales of the platform." So, basically, a cheaper PS3 will sell better because people are more likely to take the plunge at a cheaper price. We know that analysts get paid to offer their opinions, but this just ... gave us an idea!

"It's our opinion that a $99 price point for PS3 would increase sales by 90 to 100 percent." -- Joystiq

Small, unmarked bills only, please.

[Via IndustryGamers]