
One Shots: Frozen in time

With so many people indicating they too cannot wait for Guild Wars 2, we'd make a bet a whole bunch of people who haven't been in Guild Wars for a little while jumped back in to enjoy some time there this weekend. Then you have people who regularly play like today's One Shots contributor, Brittle Bullet, who sent in this frosty, luminous Guild Wars image. He writes in: This screenshot is from Guild Wars: Eye of the North. The final level of the Frostmaw's Burrows dungeon, where Frostmaw the Kinslayer, the second largest creature in the game, resides. It's a long and treacherous journey to this place, so it's nice that the lair of a dangerous beast is so beautiful.

If you're one of the many returning - or still present - Guild Wars players, we'd love to see some screenshots from you! All you have to do is email them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll show them off and let others know of your adventures.