
Champions Online launch day round-up

Today is the official launch day for Champions Online and we thought you might appreciate this handy round-up of our very best and most pertinent info that you'll need to get started in the game. You're welcome. Don't forget we'll also be in game all day today getting together with readers to bash some villain face in. Join us, won't you?

Glean info in this video walkthrough of Champions Online's tutorial
If you've been wondering what the starting area for Champions Online was like in moving pictures, you'll be happy to know that a two-part video has surfaced online for your viewing pleasure. The video is new gameplay footage blended a little bit with older trailers. Overall, if you're looking to see what the game actually looks like while being played, this video is a decent place to start.

Ten things to know when starting Champions Online
Every time a new MMO launches, there's always a good list of things that wouldn't hurt for a new player to know, and Champions Online is no different. We're all about making your first steps into an unknown game as grief free as possible, so check out Syp's list if you're interested in such a proposal. He's got a very good rundown on things you need to know when entering the tutorial zone.

Travel powers trailer for Champions Online
Yeah, we know the Champions Online open beta is out and many of you have probably been messing around with all these travel powers already, but it's always nice to get a preview of all your options in one nicely packaged trailer. Plus, trailers are a great way to kill a minute or five, depending on the game in question.

The Digital Continuum: Five reasons to play Champions Online
It's been a long wait since the announcement of Cryptic's next project, so long that some of us began to run around our houses wearing towels around our necks. Thankfully, September 1st is now less than a month away. Open beta? That's even sooner. Before we know it the game will be sitting on our desks and shelves.

What'd we think? Staff impressions of the Champions Online beta
Here at Massively, we love betas. We don't always get into every one of them, but when we can grab ourselves a key, we jump in head first. The recent Champions Online closed beta is a perfect example as more than just one or two of us were lucky enough to get in.

Champions Online melee powers trailer, plus teleporting
We know plenty of you have been itching to see all of Champions Online's melee powers in motion, and that's what you'll get with this recently released trailer at IGN. Additionally, Cryptic's seen fit to show off the teleportation travel power, which we're completely in love with and know you'll be too if you're a melee user. There's nothing quite as awesome as appearing out of thin air, right behind your soon-to-be victim.

Massively Hands-on: Champions Online Desert Crisis zone
We've given you a look at Champions Online's character creation, combat and first five levels -- plus we just began our Create My Champion feature yesterday. Today, we're here to tell you about one of the two zones you'll encounter after completing the tutorial zone: Desert Crisis.

Champions Online explains microtransactions, high level UNITY missions
Cryptic Studios has released a Champions Online State of the Game for July 15. Although it highlights some of the beta happenings of late, it's likely this won't affect many of our readers. However, the info they've dropped about microtransactions and high level content is definitely worth a read for any fans of the game, whether you're a Champions Online beta tester or not.

Champions Online PvP explained
There are three kinds of PvP encounters planned for launch and the whole system pays homage to the creators of Champions Online, Hero Games. The Hero Games is a system of sanctioned and unsanctioned PvP that branches into three areas: one-on-one dueling, a free-for-all zone known as Bash and the fully sponsor endorsed Millennium City Ultimate Tournament of Champions -- where players can queue up and go into combat alone or in a group of five friends.