
Community upset over Champions Online launch day patch

Today was launch day for Champions Online, but it was also apparently a patch day as well. The patch in question wasn't exactly documented normally, although you can get the gist of it from this official forum post.

Some of these balance and bug changes were expected, but some weren't. Specifically, players have been in an uproar over the lack of a free respec in lieu of enemy difficulty and power changes made to the game, and have so far racked up nearly 700 replies and over 32,000 views on the subject in a thread over on the official forums.

Thankfully, there are clear signs that Cryptic is taking notice, even if they aren't replying in the firestorm of a thread requesting a patch rollback. Additionally, a proper test server is forthcoming for future patches, which should help to avoid similar upsets within the community and allow everyone's opinion to be heard before serious changes are made to the game.