
Courtney Love intends to sue Activision over Guitar Hero 5's reanimated Cobain [update]

If you were disgusted by the inclusion of a playable Kurt Cobain in Guitar Hero 5, you weren't the only one: Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, has gone on record (well, on Twitter, anyway, in what looks a lot like Courtney Love's real Twitter account) to register her disapproval, saying, "For the record this Guitar Hero (expletive) is breach of contract on a Bullys part and there will be a proper addressing of this and retraction." Love plans to "sue the (expletive) out of Activision," speaking for herself, Cobain's estate, and "the various LLCs Cobain Enterprises."

She claims to have never given approval for a Kurt Cobain avatar. "
We have NOTHING to do with this," she said across two tweets (presented here as originally typed, with the exception of connecting the two messages). "it was presented to me and oi said 'show me a better avataR' TO DRAG MY HEELS., never did i intend on allowing GUITARHERO for me or for Kurt i am NOT yoko (expletive) Ono no ofense to her, but i am a different person entirely and this is insane."

The Cobain avatar was upsetting enough when we thought Love had signed off on it. But now that we hear she hasn't, we're worried for our own sakes. We could all end up playable in a Guitar Hero game at any time.

[Via Perez Hilton
, thanks, Andrew M.!]

Update: Activision responds to these tweets here, claiming that Love did indeed okay the use of the avatar.