
Fallen Earth launch day roundup

In addition to Aion's launch, today is also the official launch day for Fallen Earth, the post-apocalyptic MMO that is already gaining indie cred among old school MMO gamers. As a way to get our best Fallen Earth coverage into one place, we created this handy roundup for you to peruse while the servers are down before launch. We have helpful game guides, a FAQ and posts from our developer diary series that ran during the summer. This won't be it though! You can bet we'll be pumping out more Fallen Earth feature articles very soon.

A WoW player's guide to Fallen Earth
At Massively, we like to focus on making more MMOs accessible to more people. That accessibility to other MMOs is initially started by the 800 lb gorilla: World of Warcraft. Without WoW, a large percentage of MMO players would not be enjoying their current game today, even if they haven't stuck by WoW this whole time.

FAQ That: Common answers to your basic Fallen Earth questions
It's not easy figuring out what to do with yourself in the post-apocalyptic world, but thankfully we here at Massively have been working on compiling a list of questions that should help make your first steps in this strange new version of Earth a bit easier.

Beginner's guide to horse crafting in Fallen Earth
When you think of post-apocalyptic mounts, you probably imagine a gas-sipping motorcycle, an armored truck or the last of the V8s, right? Yet, a very practical way to get around when society falls is on horseback. In Fallen Earth currently, a horse mount is probably your best option -- especially considering the fact that you can get one very early in the game.

First Impressions: Fallen Earth
To say that it is an ambitious step into the field is an understatement of some pretty extreme proportions. It's not every day an MMO company decides to drop an MMO smack into the middle of a scale map of the Grand Canyon. More properly, a post Shiva-virus and nuclear post-apocalyptic Grand Canyon. Ambitious? Definitely. Whether or not it works, well... read on for my First Impressions, and make your own call once you have more of an idea what's in play here.

Top 5 helpful hints for your first days in Fallen Earth
The Fallen Earth NDA has lifted today and we can't even express how happy we are to talk about this game. To finally have a true post-apocalyptic title built on a skill-based, classless system is a dream for those of us who remember the old days before loot and levels were king. Sure, there are still loot and levels in Fallen Earth, but the gameplay allows for so much more than that as a main focus.

Wes Platt sheds some light on Fallen Earth
Recently we found out that the team at Fallen Earth LLC have decided to push the game's release date back to the 22nd to allow for a bit more polishing before the final launch. Currently, those who pre-ordered through Direct2Drive or the Fallen Earth website are enjoying a headstart in the strangely altered lands around the Grand Canyon. Still others are biding their time, seeing just how the game develops after release and keeping an eye out for news from this small independent studio.

Fallen Earth Developer Diary: Character builds
Although classless advancement in Fallen Earth gives players more freedom to build the characters they want and level with skills of their choice, learning how to navigate a wide-open system can be a bit daunting for even the most experienced players. With a little help from the dev team and some crib note suggestions, players can learn how to make the most of the classless advancement system.

Fallen Earth Developer Diary: New Flagstaff University
Higher education's never been quite so deadly as it is in New Flagstaff University. The campus was established by GlobalTech in the Northfields section of the Grand Canyon Province soon after the megacorp took over the national park from the federal government. A prominent and well-funded university, NFU provided top-notch scientific research and experimentation programs. In the century since the Fall, the school-like the great city that yielded its name-has crumbled into disrepair. However, it still contains equipment that's useful for scientific tinkering.

Fallen Earth Developer Diary: Exploring the Cult of the Dead lair
Sunset Cemetery, also known as the Cult of the Dead lair, is a small instance available to players in the Northfields area of Fallen Earth. Unlike the massive Old Kingman Prison instance or the sprawling Hoffa Bunker level, the Cult of the Dead lair provides a linear experience. The tone of the story and instance design represents a departure from earlier gameplay.

Fallen Earth Developer Diary: Exploring Hoffa Bunker
In the rugged hills of Toro Bend, far north in the Plateau region of the Grand Canyon Province, slouches a fenced town called Trailer Park. It's comprised of big-rig trailers and cargo containers left over from before the Fall. The inhabitants are mostly castoffs who can't fit in anywhere else – and in a mad world after the apocalypse, that's saying a lot.

Developer Diary: Exploring Levels in Fallen Earth
Old Kingman Prison is the first major instance available to players in Fallen Earth. The level offers a compelling end to one of the early overarching plotlines in the game, and provides interesting group gameplay through a structured series of encounters. When we created the prison instance, we agreed on a few rules for our design. We wanted players to contribute directly to furthering the plot. We wanted the instance to be easily accessible. And of course, it had to look great and have enjoyable fights.