
One Shots: Not a meanie genie

We don't often get to look into the lands of Telon, so we're glad when one of the adventurers who spends time in Vanguard decides to drop us a line. Today's One Shots comes to us courtesy of one of our regular MMO world travelers, Johanis, who spent some time in Vanguard not too long ago and sent in this image of a strange meeting that took place. He writes in: Urlay, my low level Necromancer in Vanguard was wandering around the area near Khal when she came across a rather large friend...thankfully he was friendly and actually offered her a quest. That's good to know, because we don't happen to see a lamp handy to put that big fellow into.

One Shots cannot live on a diet of our screenshots alone! We need reader submissions to keep the worlds we check out interesting and varied. So the next time you're out spending time in your favorite MMO, why not grab a screenshot and tell us a bit about your adventures there? It's easy and fun. All you have to do is email an image to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game it's from, and a note letting us know what's going on. (Also, please make sure your image is at least 1024px across and has as few UI elements as is possible.) We'll post it out here and let everyone share in your tale!